Friday, July 24, 2020

Balance and stability. #liverdiseasesucks #livertransplant (Part Eight)

Remember way back in the beginning when we talked about how waiting for a liver can be compared to waiting on a birth? Well, if we can hold that metaphor, we are in fact in the fourth trimester.
In the beginning new life is fragile. You baby that new liver and it grows stronger. Your emotions are all over the place, and your life has changed in so many ways, but for the better. You get used to the new; new medications, new routines, new health, and some new complications. It can still be hard but you are forming new habits, getting more sleep as time passes, and thinking what the heck just happened to me, to us?! Your eyes get brighter as the dark circles grow faint, and your body gets stronger as it heals from receiving this new life. New muscle, new blood, new breath.
Since having his liver transplant, Garry has had a (treatable) bout of rejection and some infection. He spent a couple weeks back at VGH to figure this out, and it was weird for him walking into the hospital feeling healthy. His transplant team is still taking good care of him. He has labs once a week at this point but is stable. The balance is coming.
It is not perfect. It is a lifelong journey. But, life does not feel emergent anymore.
Being given a new and gifted organ is a miraculous, sacrificial, strange, life-giving ordeal. The moment you are renewed with that transplanted liver is not the end of the journey, but it is for certain the pinnacle.
Thank you all for journeying with us, even in this processing time.