Thursday, June 20, 2019

One more year in. #liverdiseasesucks (Part Four)

The last two years have all blended into one in my mind. Two summers ago we stepped into this medical hardship. One summer ago we stepped into transplant preparation. I wish I had kept up writing but life at present is like a full time job, emotionally and physically, to keep up to all the protocol that goes along with disease.
Garry completed all the doubled up tests his transplant team required to be put on the transplant list, and still no findings of the cause of his liver disease. He was put on the transplant list just before Christmas which opened up a whole new part of this all that we were not prepared for quite yet. It was a relief for both of us to be put on pause again a week later. Honestly, we knew we needed more time.
The transplant team in Van tried another direction after this but still to no settled end. Come Easter weekend Garry was back on the transplant list. We were so hopeful that it was coming. Things were lining up. Everyday was a good day for a liver transplant. We had more support and questions answered and were ready now for the whole family to be cared for.
With further disease there is often complications. The doctors continue to monitor everything.... blood, liver, heart, etc. That is where we are at; pressures are building where scar tissue is blocking blood flow. So Garry is back on pause. We are tired. Trying to rest in between so many appointments. Also, life continues for all family members. We have had other medical stuff to deal with and are juggling a lot of weight. We forget to ask for help because this is long. We are tired and hate the abnormal attention. We long for the mundane... summer lake trips, laundry folding, swim lessons, barbeques, and easy conversations. I owe a dozen people coffee dates but I am so tired. We need relief and respite. It comes in little bits, and then another hurdle it seems.
I am still hoping that soon we will be headed to the Lower Mainland for the final leg of this journey and onto recovery. Please pray for our whole family and for our whole selves- spirit, mind, and body. So many have been so kind and that is everything right now.