Tomorrow is one year since we moved. I begged my God to let me move. I declared, "I will not stand still." I pleaded to God that I did not want my children growing up in a church whose heritage was division- I could see it coming if it was already not happening in part. I had spent two years in the worst feeling of being cast aside as I watched family upon family chased away because of careless words, drunkeness, and no sensitivity to people searching for God. Now, I am ever grateful for being spared from this curse occurring again. However, I did not move far enough away and am forever attached to this family, this people, my friends. I have been digging for truth in it all. I have been pleading in prayer once again. A had a fire to write just now. Take it or throw it away....
I would believe you if I didn't see the Spirit moving. I would believe you if I didn't see hearts and atmospheres changed. I would believe you if I didn't know about the cursed heritage. I would believe you if I hadn't seen change shunned. I would believe you if I hadn't experienced religiosity and apathy. I would believe you if I didn't know that God is moving across the province, nation, and land, and see the confirming similarities. I would believe you if I wasn't seeing answered prayers of men crying, countenances changing, twenty year opposing- now choosing life, pastoral calls, and vision seeing all happening. I would believe you if debauchery wasn't being removed. I would believe you if the word of God did not say anger, dissension and factions were fruit of the flesh, and joy, love, forgiveness, self-control, were fruit of the Spirit. I would believe you if I was not once given a prophetic vision to match what was now being prophesied. I would believe you if twisted lies weren't running rampant. I would believe you if seething lips weren't calling out accusation on children of God, just as the devil does. I would believe you if you would step closer and remember the gifts God gave you all, the best of each other, and the love for one another. So, maybe I am wrong and you get to decide, but you also get to decide if you will walk with integrity according to the word of God. Can one man bring down a whole army of God, unless he is put there to do so? So where are your fervent prayers? Where are your lifting and gently admonishing words? Building up instead of tearing down. Step closer to the problem. Take a step closer to the people. Remember who you are. I pray God reminds you! Uproot this curse and change it, for our children, for ourselves. There is no us and them, there is only family, best friends, sisters, sons, daughters, neighbors. Show the watching stranger how it's done. Show your children and grandchildren how it's done. Pray for scales to fall, wherever they are, on my own eyes included. We are all sinners, yet we are all loved. Not one worthy, not one forgotten. Your struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, evil principalities. Twisted truths are so powerful, but so is unity, worship warfare and fervent prayer. Pray against pride, pray against witchcraft, pray against evil. Then, pray for goodness, pray for freedom, pray for untying of yokes, pray for the best of each who you know, and remember their heart for God in the past. Pray for restored song, for restored teaching and caring for children, for restored pastoral callings, for restored passionate leadership, for restored hearts for missions, for restored family relationships, for restored best friendships. And, when you are done forgiving as you see God's heart for those you are angry with, bitter at, accusing and biting, then pray for your town. Pray for the next generation of the older ones who are watching this all, just as their parents did. Those names brought to mind, God wants to restore them! Pray for the ones on the edges who were coming in only to be swirled into your anger. Pray for the ones who are feeling manipulated and used as pawns to prove points and build numbers. God came for the one and if even two are being saved, and two have, it will change everything for their children and children's children. Most of all pray for yourself that God would reveal all truth, that you could decide for yourself, unattached to revelry.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
II Timothy 1:7 NKJV